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Auey Sisjung 25 Jahre โพนพิสัย Thailand
Auey Sisjung 25 Jahre โพนพิสัย Thailand
Auey Sisjung 25 Jahre โพนพิสัย Thailand
Auey Sisjung, 25 Jahre
Auey Sisjung 25 Jahre โพนพิสัย Thailand
Auey Sisjung 25 Jahre โพนพิสัย Thailand
Auey Sisjung 25 Jahre โพนพิสัย Thailand
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 Don't worry about older than me ^^ it's OK >I don't want money I can find it by myself< I looking for serious relationship and friendship in here ! let to know me more !!! hello my name is Onanong You can called me "Sis" or "uey" i'm 18 years old i just Graduate from high school I lived in Nong khai ,Thailand My city has fresh air and good people I love my city I like to play basketball, and I'm quite tall. I'm Buddhist and I didn't strict I like motorcycle ride more than cars. The car seat so boring I dream to have a big bike one I can eat everything except the scallop. I'm allergic to scallop I love my parents very much They are most important in my life. I like to travel, but I've never been to travel to Europe or other countries without my country Thailand. I have never seen or caught the snow. I like the snow and the cold, but my country Thailand quite hot, but it's good. I love my country, Thailand I like reading, cooking, listening to music, gardening and travel. I can cooking Thai food and all if i learn I like cats(very much), dogs and rabbits. I'm afraid of snakes. 

 Don't worry about older than me ^^ it's OK >I don't want money I can find it by myself< I looking for serious relationship and friendship in here ! let to know me more !!! hello my name is Onanong You can called me "Sis" or "uey" i'm 18 years old i just Graduate from high school I lived in Nong khai ,Thailand My city has fresh air and good people I love my city I like to play basketball, and I'm quite tall. I'm Buddhist and I didn't strict I like motorcycle ride more than cars. The car seat so boring I dream to have a big bike one I can eat everything except the scallop. I'm allergic to scallop I love my parents very much They are most important in my life. I like to travel, but I've never been to travel to Europe or other countries without my country Thailand. I have never seen or caught the snow. I like the snow and the cold, but my country Thailand quite hot, but it's good. I love my country, Thailand I like reading, cooking, listening to music, gardening and travel. I can cooking Thai food and all if i learn I like cats(very much), dogs and rabbits. I'm afraid of snakes. 

Ich möchte Mann zwischen 18 und 45 Jahre treffen

Gesprochene Sprachen th Zweisprachig
fr Wenig
en Zweisprachig
Geschlecht Frau
Alter 25 Jahre
Land Thailand
Region Nong Khai
Ort โพนพิสัย
Grösse 170 cm (5.6 ft)
Gewicht 70 kg (154 lbs)
Meine Augenfarbe
Meine Haarfarbe
Mein Beruf Student
Ausbildungsniveau Gymnasium
Meine Religion Buddhistisch
Meine Hobbys
Meine Persönlichkeit
Ich liebe diese Art von Musik
Ich lese meistens
Meine Lieblings-Küche
Ich mag diese Sportarten
Familienstand alleinstehend
Kinder kein Kind

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Treffen Frau, Auey Sisjung, 25 Jahre, Thailand, 170cm und 70kg

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