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Nang 54 ans Muang  Thaïlande
Nang 54 ans Muang  Thaïlande
Nang 54 ans Muang  Thaïlande
Nang 54 ans Muang  Thaïlande
Nang 54 ans Muang  Thaïlande
Nang 54 ans Muang  Thaïlande
Nang, 54 ans
Nang 54 ans Muang  Thaïlande
Nang 54 ans Muang  Thaïlande
Nang 54 ans Muang  Thaïlande
Nang 54 ans Muang  Thaïlande
Nang 54 ans Muang  Thaïlande
Nang 54 ans Muang  Thaïlande
Connecté(e) il y a plus d'1 mois
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 I prefer to be acquainted with a person who never hides anything! That is why if you want to know me, I can promise to be bluntly honest with you and share all my pros and cons from the very beginning! I hope my future beloved will accept me with all my pros and cons and he never tries to change me. I can promise him never to stop working on my self-development as I believe this makes relationships stronger. 

 I prefer to be acquainted with a person who never hides anything! That is why if you want to know me, I can promise to be bluntly honest with you and share all my pros and cons from the very beginning! I hope my future beloved will accept me with all my pros and cons and he never tries to change me. I can promise him never to stop working on my self-development as I believe this makes relationships stronger. 

Je souhaite rencontrer Homme entre 40 et 60 ans

 I want a man who will say that I am the only one for him and he is ready to spend the rest of his life with him. I want to meet someone who is seriously thinking of creating a family, not necessarily having kids 

Langues parlées th Courant
en Notions
Genre Femme
Age 54 ans
Pays Thaïlande
Région Yasothon
Ma commune Muang
Ma taille 153 cm (5 ft)
Mon poids 50 kg (110 lbs)
Mes yeux Marron
Mes cheveux Châtain
Ma profession Profession libérale et assimilé
Niveau d’études Niveau BAC
Ma religion
Mes loisirs Café, concerts
Mes traits de personnalité Communicant
J’aime ces genres de musique Hip hop
Je lis habituellement Journaux
Ma cuisine favorite Italienne, Thailandaïse
J’aime ces activités physiques Courir, autre
Statut matrimonial Célibataire
Enfants Pas d'enfant

Albums (0)

Rencontre Femme, Nang, 54 ans, Thaïlande, 153cm et 50kg

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